3. background


Aurora klay (ARA) project?

Demand and transaction volume are continuously increasing in the non-face-to-face market using the Internet while experiencing the spread of smartphones and 'Corona 19'.

Each service faces the following structural problems.

  • First, the mileage point system is operated to secure new customers and retain existing customers, but the amount and usage are limited, so the level of compensation experienced by consumers is insufficient.

  • Second, customer data is limited to the corresponding service field, so customized marketing and personalized services are limited.

  • Third, there are an increasing number of projects that disappoint users who have encountered and invested in splendid blockchain tokenomics, and there is a lack of transparency and uncertainty.

  • Fourth, various products that can be seen in offline stores cannot be seen online at a glance, are limited, and do not solve the harmful factors affecting the environment.

Our platform aims to operate a sustainable social commerce platform by establishing a membership system utilizing diversity, customer reward compensation system, and blockchain according to the consumption propensity of consumers (customers).

Last updated